April 21, 2020

Costa Rica Coronavirus Status

Costa Rica Coronavirus Status April 21, 2020

When we look at the stats, the Costa Rica Coronavirus status seems to be taking a positive turn. For so many weeks we heard discouraging reports of incredible growth and spread of the Coronavirus globally. Those reports have been echoed as here in Costa Rica well as.

Recent days and weeks have started telling a different story. Not one of despair but rather a story of hope and positive change. The Costa Rica Coronavirus status seems to be turning a corner.

18 Days With No New Cases in Guanacaste

The last reported case in the Guanacaste province came from canton of Hojancha on April 3, 2020. Hojancha is located in the center of the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica. Since then, no new cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have been received by the Ministry of Health from the 12 cantons of Guanacaste. That is over 18 days ago.

Guanacaste is known for its tourism. It holds what is known as the Gold Coast, a strip of popular beaches with stunning beauty. The lack of new cases is good news for the tourism industry and the large expat community of Guanacaste.

11 of 13 Already Recovered

Almost 100% recovery. The Guanacaste province has a total of 13 people reported positive for the Coronavirus. Of those 13 people, 9 have properly recovered from the virus. These 9 recoveries came from the cantons of Liberia, Nicoya, Santa Cruz, and Tilarán. The remaining four people infected with the Coronavirus are from the Guanacaste cantons of Carrillo, Hojancha, and Nicoya.

228 Days Trapped In Paradise, Hardcover book, By Nikki Page

Total Costa Rica Coronavirus Cases

Costa Rican health authorities have reported a total of 669 cases. With a total population of approximately 5 million people that is an extremely small percentage of the population (.01%). Cases have been reported in 59 cantons of the seven provinces of Costa Rica.

Breakdown of the 669 infected people.

Infected, Recovered, and Lost

Of the 669 infected with Coronavirus 150 have already recovered. The Alajuela canton boats the most recover patients with 36.

513 are currently ill, while only 11 are hospitalized with 6 in intensive care. The intensive care patients range in age from 44-75.

Regrettably, 6 people in Costa Rica have been lost due to the Coronavirus. All six fatalities were males ages 45-87 years old. There were two 87-years-old, a 45-year-old, an 84-year-old, and most recently 69 and 54 years old.

Costa Rica Coronavirus Testing

Costa Rica has had 11,387 people tested for COVID-19. Fortunately, 7,495 of the tests came back negative for Coronavirus. The country continues to test individuals showing symptoms. A personal friend had an asthma exacerbation that displayed common symptoms with COVID-19. They were tested for the Coronavirus within 24 hours at their home by representatives of the Ministry of Health to be sure they were not infected.

Precautions and Closures Still In Place

Earlier this week, the Minister of Health, Daniel Salas reported that the border closures to foreigners will remain in force until May 15th.

Costa Rica is taking its response to this crisis seriously.

Our morning walks on the beach and days exploring national parks are on hold. The beaches and public areas remain closed. There is a stay at home order in place.


Driving restrictions continue, limiting days people can travel based on license plate numbers. And no one can drive at night. No more joyriding and spying the beautiful landscape of Costa Rica. Even when we can drive we are limited as to where we can go.

Every effort is being made to slow and hopefully stop the spread of COVID-19 in Costa Rica. This country cannot afford to under-react. The majority of people are following the directives and the police are actively enforcing them.

The Costa Rica Coronavirus status looks promising. The growth curve is flattening out and seems to be stabilizing. The number hospitalized is down two people from yesterday. Every day reports of recoveries are shared. We are not through this crisis yet but there are reasons for hope.

About the author 

Steve Page

Author Steve Page is the co-founder of the Viva Purpose, Inc. publishing group and is excellent at working with authors. He became a #1 International Bestselling author by self-publishing his first book, "Cut The Crap & Move To Costa Rica, A How-to Guide Based On These Gringos Experience." Through his website, blogs, and social media he continues to provide expert advice to relocators with current events and logistics of expat life in Central America.

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