About the Author

Nikki Page is a #1 International Best-Selling author. She is a devoted wife, a mother of four children and a loyal daughter. Born and raised in Fort Collins Co. It was always her dream to travel and live internationally.

In 2015 Nikki and her husband Steve quit their jobs and sold everything they owned so they could move to Costa Rica. Sounds like the craziest thing in the world to most. To her it was about living life to the fullest. The rewards for this choice are priceless.

Nikki Page is the co-founder of the Viva Purpose, Inc. publishing group and is excellent at working with authors. She became a #1 International Bestselling author by self-publishing her first book, “Cut The Crap & Move To Costa Rica, A How-to Guide Based On These Gringos Experience.” Through her website, blogs, and social media she continues to provide expert advice to relocators with current events and logistics of expat life in Central America.

Her follow up cookbook, “Cut The Crap Kitchen, How-to Guide Cook In Costa Rica On A Budget” was a #1 New Release on Amazon. It teaches readers about local produce, provides cost-effective recipes, and includes health benefits of eating whole foods. She also helps independent authors self-publish and promote their books with both training courses and mentorship. Nikki continues to travel abroad and enjoys her life in Costa Rica.

Nikki is excited about her upcoming 2022 release “228 Days Trapped in Paradise: The Diary of an Expat Chica in Costa Rica”.  This diary is the record of the immense emotional journey of a U.S. expat who found herself trapped in Costa Rica during the worldwide pandemic.

Nikki writes about world history in the making. Trying to be reunited with her family. Being locked into zones in a foreign country with no flights stateside. Government-enforced curfews and restricted driving privileges have become the norm. Even questioning everything that her life was worth. This chica leaves nothing out.

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