April 28, 2020

Coming Out of Lockdown From Covid-19

Is Costa Rica Coming Out Of Lockdown?

Do you feel safe coming out of lockdown from COVID-19? As countries around the world start to lift bands and lockdown orders. I find myself asking, “Do I feel it’s safe coming out of isolation?”

What Do The Doctors Have to Say?

The doctors at BeachSide Clinic in Costa Rica yesterday announced, “April 27th COVID-19 Update: Costa Rica has 2 new confirmed cases since yesterday. There are currently no active cases in our area.”

It’s no surprise the majority of the infected are in the big city, not the small beach communities. Due to the state of emergency, the Costa Rican government implemented strict lockdown orders on travel and what people were and were not allowed to do over the holiday weekend. The closures were in hopes of slowing down the spread of the COVID-19.

Semana Santa: Holy Week

Two weeks ago was Semana Santa, also known as Holy Week. The holiday starts the Thursday before Easter and continues through Easter Sunday. In most years during this time, the locals from the big city of San Jose take their holiday breaks. They flock to the sandy Costa Rica beaches where they enjoy partying and surfing on the “Gold Coast”. The restaurants and bars are packed as families spend time together while they enjoy their meals and drinks.

This reminds me of Florida over spring break where the beaches become overrun with college kids on holiday break except it doesn’t include just young college kids. Families of all ages from the young to the old come out to partake in these festivals.

But Not This Year

This year, closures and restrictions have caused the cancelation of all holiday events.

The government not only halted alcohol sales. They forced the closure of all beaches and borders. Public and private transportation vehicles were told when and where they were able to drive. Law enforcement was increased, and more checkpoints set up throughout the country. The beaches remain empty and guarded by law enforcement. In addition, fines for breaking any of these laws were increased, some of them were more than double the amount.

228 Days Trapped In Paradise, Hardcover book, By Nikki Page

Stopping Tourism

The Costa Rica government did an amazing job of slowing down tourism over the holiday weekend. The majority of people chose to stay in the city however some decided to jump in their car and head out on their vacation destinations before the restrictions were implemented. For the most part, the beach towns looked like a ghost town, not spring break.

Costa Rica is Coming out of Lockdown

Yesterday the Costa Rica government announced that they were allowing certain things to open. Beaches are still closed; but public swimming pools, movie theaters, and noncontact sports will be allowed to start up again with strict rules. New guidelines will include the number of participants and times of operation.

So why am I not coming out of isolation yet?

Looking at what happened in 1918 with the Spanish Flu and what happened with the number of sick worldwide. After things opened up the numbers spiked. The WHO and CDC are reporting on their website, 1-14 days incubation. One of my Costa Rican doctors says, "It could be even after 22 days! "History is why Covid-19 has been compared to other pandemics like the Spanish Flu. If you look at history there has always been a second wave. The WHO and CDC are reporting on their website, 1-14 days incubation. One of my Costa Rican doctors says, “It could be even after 22 days!”

I have spent the last 45-day self-isolating with my husband and daughter. I did this to make sure that we do not get sick and if we were infected we would not spread the disease. The numbers in the country are extremely low and this gives me hope.

Risk Is Still Too High!

However, I’m not a math genius, but it has only been 16 days since Easter weekend. All it takes is one person from the city that was infected to have come in contact with someone in this area.

To me, the risk is still too high. I will continue to self-isolate for at least 5-7 more days maybe longer depending on what the numbers do this week.

About the author 

Nikki Page

Nikki is the co-founder of Viva Purpose, Inc. She is a #1 International Bestselling author with over six books, including “Cut The Crap & Move To Costa Rica” and "The Ultimate Costa Rica Cookbook." Through her website, blogs, and social media, she continues to offer expert advice to relocators and travelers, sharing insights on current events and logistics in Central America.

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