November 8

How to Save Money When Flying From Costa Rica to the United States


Flying from Liberia Costa Rica to United States

Flying internationally can be expensive.. This was one of the biggest obstacles I faced when I started traveling. Money doesn't grow on trees and my family has always lived on a budget. But, that has not stopped us from being able to travel the world. This is just too good to keep to myself. I just saved over $241 flying internationally from Costa Rica Liberia (LIR) to Denver Colorado (DIA).

Overpriced airline tickets

Over the years I have spent thousands of hours researching how to fly internationally for cheap and even free. This has allowed my family to travel all over the world while not breaking their bank accounts. Overpriced airline tickets are making it hard for expats and travelers. Like many other countries around the world, COVID-19 has increased ticket prices from Costa Rica to the United States. Flights I normally would take have doubled and even tripled.

How to save money when booking airline tickets

Liberia Costa Rica to Texas

Costa Rica Friends who are flying back to the states, you can save hundreds of dollars with just a little research. It's crazy how I did it so let me try to explain it to you.

The flights today from Liberia Costa Rica (LIR) to Huston (IAH) are around $506 during November and December. However, if you book your flight from (LIR) to Dallas (DFW) you will fly on the same flight to Huston with a layover to Dallas for $268. You save $238 if you book to Dallas Texas, not Huston. This is great if you are going to Texas however my final destination is Colorado. 
Flight from Liberia Costa Rica to Huston Texas

Flight from Liberia Costa Rica to Huston Texas

Flight from Liberia Costa Rica to Dallas Texas

Ticket Liberia to Huston

Flight from Liberia Costa Rica to Denver Colorado

Flight Huston to Denver $49

Flight from Huston Texas to Denver Colorado

Liberia Costa Rica (LIR) to Denver Colorado (DIA)

If you are trying to fly from Liberia Costa Rica (LIR) to Denver Colorado (DIA) these flights are running $559. These flights leave Liberia Costa Rica with a layover in Huston Texas. However, you can book from Huston to Denver for less than $50.

Booking your flight with United Airlines from Liberia Costa Rica (LIR) Dallas Texas (DFW). Then book a ticket from Huston to Denver Colorado (DIA). After landing in Huston you will collect your bags and go through customs. Instead of flying onward to Dallas cancel your onward travel ticket. Jump the cheap $50 flight from Huston to Denver Colorado (DIA). Meaning you can fly from Costa Rica to Colorado on the exact same flight for around $318, not $506. 

Tips When Booking 

You are always being tracked when looking at airline tickets. Airlines are known to use what they call cookies to track what flights you have been searching for. They uses these cookies to up the flight prices as you shop. It's a nasty thing airlines do making you feel like you need to buy now because prices are going up. When in reality they might not be going up. It's just that the airline knows you have been searching ticket prices. In order to avoid this make sure to clear your cookies often when shopping for airline tickets. You can find this option in the settings area of your browser, usually related to your browsing history. This will help to make sure that you are getting the best pricing before booking. If I had not cleared my cookies before buying these ticket it would have cost me an additions $200.

Armed with nothing but my phone and internet I saved hundreds of dollars and it only cost about 15 minutes of my time. This is just another way I save money when traveling. How do you save when booking your airline tickets? 

Pura Vida

Nikki Page

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About the Author

Nikki is the co-founder of the Viva Purpose, Inc. publishing group. She became a #1 International Bestselling author by self-publishing her first book, “Cut The Crap & Move To Costa Rica, A How-to Guide Based On These Gringos Experience.” Through her website, blogs, and social media she continues to provide expert advice to relocators with current events and logistics of expat life in Central America.


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