Have you paid your Costa Rica Corporation Taxes (Impuestos) yet?
Today I took a trip to Banco Nacional here in Tamarindo to pay my Corporate taxes. I arrived at the bank shortly after they opened at 8:30 and only had to wait about five minutes to take care of the payment. Corporate taxes can be paid at any bank in Costa Rica, not just the ones you may have accounts with.
Costa Rica taxes are due
Corporate taxes are due by the end of January so you have until the 31st to make the payment if you have not already done so. There is a BIG fine for late payment of taxes. We missed the deadline last year and were forced to pay a $500 fine. Make sure you get your corporate taxes paid by the end of the month so you don't get slapped with the fine.
Costa Rica basic tax
We do not use our corporation to conduct business at this time but simply use it to hold assets. The basic tax to keep the corporation open was ₡66,930 ≈ $111. If you use your corporation as a business you may have additional taxes due. This amount is for the basic corporation tax alone. We pay an additional fee to the attorney each year to maintain our books. If you do not have a resident on the corporation you will need to pay an attorney to hold the corporate books.
Corporations are fairly straightforward here in Costa Rica. Every attorney we have spoken with were able to assist with corporation establishment and dealings. Nearly all businesses use corporations and many people use them as we do to hold and transfer assets. Be sure to research and vet the attorney before choosing them to handle your business. We feel that Outlier Legal Service is one of the best in Costa Rica, especially for expat needs.