Camote with Marshmallows in the oven.

What's your Favorite holiday side dishes?

When we lived in the U.S. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and holiday parties were not complete without a sweet potato casserole with marshmallows. This delicious side dish with the golden toasted marshmallows on top was always a must-have.

Over the years I learned this was one of Steve's favorite sides-dishes. I know this because he was always volunteering me to make it. Most of the time, I would use the big cans of sweet potatoes. It was cheap while also being quick and easy. 

Costa Rica food budget

Our first year in Costa Rica we had been lucky enough to find cans of yams. These are the traditional way our family made this tasty side. Overpriced were the words I would use. I was paying 4 times more a can than my family was paying in Colorado. It just was not in my budget. 

Finding a cheaper way

I learned about a root called camote it's a sweet potato found throughout Central America. This was the answer to making sweet potato casserole in Costa Rica for the holidays. You can find camote throughout Costa Rica at most of the ferias markets year-round.

Although the flavor is very similar to the sweet potato or yam, the color is not as orange. Because they are grown locally, they are available at a very affordable price. It may add an extra step to the process than the can version, but we feel it is definitely worth it.

Feria - Cut The Crap Kitchen - Costa Rica

Bestselling Cookbook Authors Battle It Out

The following year Steve volunteered me to make sweet potato casserole with marshmallows for the annual Tamarindo Church Thanksgiving dinner.  This was about the same time he started talking smack about who could make the dish better.  I don't really remember the words that lead up to the challenge.

Cut The Crap Kitchen - How-to cook in Costa Rica on a budget.

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What I do remember 

The event was expecting to have 60-100 people. Bets were put into place. We both were given the same ingredients.

Steve had access to an electric stove and oven. I had access to a Magic Chef and the same stove Steve was using. 

Each of us had 2 days to come up with a recipe that would be cooking and serving at the event.

The cameras were turned on and we went to work. One thing was for sure was Nikki not going to lose the challenge.

See the behind-the-scenes and learn who the winner is.

Votes are in

Leave everyone craving and more at your next party. Get the winning recipe for sweet potato casserole with marshmallows! Simply, Click Here.

A little secret, my family prefers homemade camote to the can products. Making this recipe is a win-win, creating a healthier and happier family. 

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Nikki Page

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About the Author

Nikki is the co-founder of the Viva Purpose, Inc. publishing group. She became a #1 International Bestselling author by self-publishing her first book, “Cut The Crap & Move To Costa Rica, A How-to Guide Based On These Gringos Experience.” Through her website, blogs, and social media she continues to provide expert advice to relocators with current events and logistics of expat life in Central America.


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