January 25, 2021

Travling to Costa Rica

Like many other countries around the world, Costa Rica closed its land, air, and sea borders due to COVID-19. After being closed for 228 days Costa Rica opened its air borders, at which time they decided to keep the land and sea borders closed. 

COVID testing is no longer a requirement, but getting in is still not easy. Even seasoned travelers are reporting problems. Tickets showing you are leaving the country in 90-days or less is not a new thing. However, COVID logging and health insurance that meet the government standards with a QR code are.

Many tourist are showing up at the airport and being told they are not allowed to board their flight due to incorrect paperwork.

International travel is no longer easy

Costa Rica used to be one of the easiest Central American countries to travel to. This is just not the case anymore. Even though air travel is open, many tourists are canceling their trips to paradise. 

Here's the good news 

For people coming in on a 90-day tourist visa, there is good news. Prices on insurance have dipped. Some airlines are now offering cheaper flights. Lodging and adventure packages have been discounted throughout the country. Beach restaurants and bars are now opening.

So you might be asking, "what do I need to know before I book my tickets to Costa Rica?" Here it is; make sure your COVID insurance matches your return ticket home. The insurance needs to have a  valid QR code. This code is scanned at the airport. Costa Rica has two different insurance companies that offer this kind of insurance; INS, and Sagicor.

Many tourists have reported saving hundreds and even thousands of dollars by using third-party companies. If you choose to go this route, make sure they meet the requirement so you will be allowed into the country.  I have heard good things about Trawick however some people have reported it has taken a couple of extra hours in customs while others have been in and out in just 10 minutes. We have heard reports that if you enter your trip cost of $0, it will keep the price down. 


Keep in mind laws are changing daily so make sure you meet the requirements before you head to the airport. No matter what country you are from, you should always register with your country's embassy in the country you intent to travel to; such as the U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica. You can register for updates so they will begin sending you emails and security alerts when policies change or anything arrises that may impact travelers safety. This includes dangerous weather conditions, political events, pandemics, etc.

Make sure to check your expiration date on your passport. In order to board an international flight, you must have at least 6 months remaining. Bring a photocopy of all your paperwork. This includes insurance, an exit ticket that matches the insurance date, and passport. I also recommend leaving a copy at home just incase they get lost or stolen during your travels. You can have them faxed or emailed to you which will help to speed up the process if you have to have emergency documents made. 

 It is important to know that travel is different for everyone depending on when you entered the country and what kind of visa you are holding. Many countries like the United States are requiring COIVD-19 testing and quarantine to re-enter the country. For US travelers consult the CDC website

Travel is still possible

All of this might sound a little overwhelming; however, travel is still possible. I for one will tell you it's worth jumping through some hoops in orderer to get into the "Happiest Place in the World". It just takes a little more planing and research. 

Before you pack you bags, book your trip, or start planning your excursions, be sure to research the latest regulations that will impact your stay. Even airline rules are changing daily so make sure you are checking the sites regularly.  Being flexible is a must the term in Costa Rica is Pura Vida

Some things haven't changed. Things like the incredible bio-diversity, the wild jungle terrain, and the amazing coastlines filled with beautiful beaches. The world isn't the same but Costa Rica still has so much to offer. 

About the author 

Nikki Page

Nikki is the co-founder of the Viva Purpose, Inc. publishing group. She became a #1 International Bestselling author by self-publishing her first book, “Cut The Crap & Move To Costa Rica, A How-to Guide Based On These Gringos Experience.” Through her website, blogs, and social media she continues to provide expert advice to relocators with current events and logistics of expat life in Central America.

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