Do you know what Costa Rica smells like?
Get some fresh air and learn what Costa Rica smells like. It wasn't long after we arrived in Costa Rica that the A/C in our Jeep quit working. As we have shared in previous videos, it gets very hot in Costa Rica, and riding in the car is no exception.
No car air conditioning
Since I had no air conditioning I rolled the windows down and what I thought would be a disadvantage (no a/c) became a huge benefit that changed my Costa Rican experience. So many people drive through the entire country without using one of their five senses.
That's right, their sense of smell. When I think about it, I can recall many experiences from all the way back to my early childhood by simply catching a whiff of an unusual smell or someone's perfume.
Costa Rica distinct smells in different region
The same is true with the places I've visited. Everywhere we go there are distinct smells to that region or culture. Costa Rica is no exception. Even from region to region the smells change, and they change with the seasons too.
For example, in the early months of the year, they put molasses on the roads to keep the dust down. This is an amazing smell and will always remind me of driving around the country in the summer (Dec-Jun).
Another common smell you may encounter is that of burning leaves and branches that occurs toward the end of the dry season. They burn the debris for general cleanup and to prevent it from clogging drainage and streams during the rainy season.
There are some unpleasant smells that you will encounter as well, such as skunks and burning trash.
Regardless of the smell, you are sure to create some wonderful memories and incredible stories by incorporating the sense of smell into your experience. And a little fresh air never hurts.